Cheef Botanicals

Can CBD Oil Make You Sick or Is It Something Else?

Because of the increasing popularity of CBD oil, countless people around the world are trying cannabis for the first time. Of course, this leads to many searching for answers to questions, like “Can CBD oil make me sick?” The answer to that question can be a bit complex. There have been rare instances where CBD oil has made people sick. However, that’s most often because certain added ingredients, like carrier oils and flavorings, might not align with your body. To better understand this concept, we’ve outlined everything you need to know below.

What Is in CBD Oil?

CBD oil is a natural extract of cannabis plants and contains high amounts of cannabidiol (CBD). There are more than 100 cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant, CBD being one of them.

CBD is split into three categories: Full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, and isolate. On the other hand, CBD oil is typically sold as either full-spectrum or broad-spectrum tinctures.

cannabis herb and leaves for treatment

Full-Spectrum CBD

Full-spectrum CBD oil is extracted with all of the cannabinoids in the cannabis plant, including less than 0.3 percent of THC.

This oil typically contains more than 200 natural compounds and nutrients. Some ingredients include:

  • Iron
  • Zinc
  • Fiber
  • Protein
  • Calcium
  • Terpenes
  • Flavinoids
  • Potassium
  • Chlorophyll
  • Amino acids
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorous
  • Beta carotene
  • Vitamin A and C
  • Omega fatty acids
  • B complex vitamins (riboflavin, niacin, thiamine)

Unlike THC, a CBD full-spectrum oil has no psychoactive effects and shouldn’t make you sick. In fact, no legal CBD product will get you high.

Broad-Spectrum CBD

Broad-spectrum oil is almost the same as full-spectrum oil. The difference between the two is that broad-spectrum oil is extracted with all of the cannabinoids in the cannabis plant, except for THC.

Broad-spectrum CBD oil is great for those who want to avoid THC altogether, but still want to experience the benefits of CBD.

CBD Isolate

CBD isolate is essentially made in efforts to separate the CBD molecules from the rest of the plant. Isolate is the purest form CBD, usually containing about 99 percent of it.

Isolate is not an oil, but it can be used in many different ways. It can also be added to a carrier oil to create a CBD oil without terpenes or cannabinoids.

Most CBD oils on the market will usually be broad-spectrum or full-spectrum. It’s also possible to use CBD isolate in accordance with a tincture you already have.

CBD oils will also contain a carrier oil, like coconut oil or hemp seed oil. Of course, that will vary depending on the product.

For a more accurate understanding of what’s in your CBD oil, it’s best to check the product’s ingredients. Each product should contain an ingredient list, which also includes the type of carrier oil in it and any added flavoring.

Can CBD Itself Make You Sick?

CBD, by itself, should not make you sick. CBD is generally safe for adults, kids, and pets. However, in rare cases, some people may experience mild side effects after taking CBD oil.

Those effects can include drowsiness, dry mouth, rapid heartbeat, diarrhea, and nausea. However, that’s more likely to occur on an empty stomach.

When you first introduce your body to a substance, there may also be an adjustment period. Usually, after the body becomes acquainted with CBD oil, symptoms will subside.

sick woman using cbd oil

CBD can also interact with other medications to make you feel sick. Both CBD oils and medications require a similar method to be broken down by the body.

If you introduce both to your system, it can mess with your metabolism causing various symptoms that are unique to each consumer. If you are on any type of medication, you should talk to your doctor before trying CBD oil to avoid any possible complications.

Can Other Ingredients in CBD Oil Make You Sick?

More often than not, if a user feels sick after taking CBD oil, it’s caused by an allergic reaction.

Since CBD oil products contain more than just CBD, certain ingredients might trigger a reaction for some. CBD tinctures use carrier oils, like hemp seed or MCT oil.

Flavored CBD oil can also induce an allergic reaction because of the added flavoring ingredients. CBD oil also has other vitamins and minerals in them that might not sit well with some people.

Because CBD comes from a plant, it may contain traces of pollen that can trigger some people to experience allergic reactions to CBD oil. Similarly, some people might be allergic to the carrier oil or flavoring.

Before giving up on CBD oil, try one with different ingredients or from a better brand.

What Should You Do If You Have a Reaction?

If you believe your CBD oil makes you feel sick, the best thing to do is figure out if you’re allergic to any of the ingredients.

If you’re experiencing a reaction, the best thing to do is see a doctor. They can pinpoint why you had a reaction, which can help you select a CBD oil better suited to your body chemistry.

If an allergy caused your reaction, a doctor should be able to tell you what you’re allergic to. It’s also important you mention to your doctor if you are on any type of medication, since that might also be causing the problem.

Can You Decrease Your Chances of Getting Sick?

Yes, you can do a few things to reduce the chances of getting sick from CBD oil. To avoid feeling any side effects, it’s best not to take CBD oil on an empty stomach. Eating beforehand may help a user experience avoid this reaction. Stay away from CBD oils that contain ingredients you are allergic to, like added flavoring.

Wondering what CBD oil tastes like without any flavoring? Read this next: What Does CBD Oil Taste Like?

If you believe you’re allergic to CBD, try an isolate from a trusted brand. Because isolate is the purest form of CBD, you’ll know for certain if you’re allergic to CBD after using it.

If you still feel like your CBD oil just isn’t working, you might be taking it incorrectly. Taking more than the daily recommended intake on the product might cause mild side effects, especially if you’ve never taken CBD before.

Some people might be extra sensitive when it comes to taking any new substance. If that’s the case, start taking CBD by following the low dose recommendation. Do not exceed that amount unless you feel comfortable doing so.

It’s also incredibly important to purchase a CBD oil from a brand that offers third-party lab testing. Lab testing ensures the quality of the product and makes sure the ingredients listed on the label are true. This decreases the chances of anyone getting sick due to production flaws or allergic reactions from an ingredient they weren’t aware of.

Before using another CBD oil, make sure it comes from a trusted brand that uses high-quality ingredients. Brand transparency is crucial to finding a CBD oil that works for you.

Instead of skimping out, choose a high quality, lab-tested product with clear labels and reviews since bad products can be harmful.

supermarket trolley with hemp and medical cannabis oil cbd

Can CBD Oil Make You Sick? (Final Thoughts)

Although rare, some people have felt a little sick after taking CBD oil. Most commonly, that’s due to added ingredients, flaws that happen during production, or allergic reactions.

Like with any other new substance that enters the stomach, some people might have an initial reaction. After the body adjusts to CBD oil, any symptoms, aside from allergies, should subside.

If you got sick after ingesting CBD oil, you don’t have to stop using it altogether. Instead, stop using the one that made you feel queasy and choose one from a better brand, one with a different carrier oil, or one without any flavoring.

Pay attention to the ingredients and stay away from any products that might cause you to have an allergic reaction. If you’re a new CBD user, you might need to do a little experimenting to find your perfect product and optimal dose.

Remember to always select a high-quality product from trustworthy brands. Look out for third party lab testing and how a brand sources its ingredients. For the best results, follow all the recommended dosage guidelines on each package.

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