Cheef Botanicals

How Many Drops of CBD Oil Under Tongue: A Guide On Sublingual Dosing

CBD oil is extremely popular for its combination of wellness benefits and versatility. While you can take CBD oil (Cannabidiol) in many ways, the most popular route is sublingual administration, meaning under the tongue. But how many drops of CBD oil under the tongue do you need?

This article will cover the basics of dosing CBD oil drops. It’s easy to do, but it helps to know a few tips and tricks, which we’re about to share. Without further ado, let’s get into it.

CBD Oil Under Tongue Benefits

Cannabidiol (CBD) oil affects the body and mind in numerous beneficial ways. CBD supports the receptors in the endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS is a vital part of every mammal’s body. It regulates vital functions like immune response, memory, mood, nervousness, sleep, appetite, digestion, and more!

By interacting with the cannabinoid receptors in your body, CBD may boost the ECS. In doing so, CBD delivers multiple advantageous effects, including:

  • Relief from aches, muscle tension, and skin irritation
  • Improved mood and a calm mind to halt nervous, racing thoughts
  • Deeper and more fulfilling sleep
  • Improved appetite and digestive tract function

There are countless cannabidiol products, from CBD capsules to CBD gummies to hemp flower itself. Considering the massive selection to choose from, you might be wondering, what makes CBD oil special, and why do people take it under their tongue?


Taking CBD Oil Sublingually

Sublingual is a medical term meaning “under the tongue.” It refers to the most popular way to take CBD oil. But why does CBD drops under the tongue work so well?

The underside of the tongue and the base of the mouth consists of mucous membranes called the oral mucosa. This membrane contains numerous blood vessels. When you add CBD oil to the surface of the oral mucosa, it quickly absorbs into those blood vessels. From there, it spreads throughout the body.

Sublingual absorption happens quickly, typically in 15-30 minutes. The effects last anywhere from 4-6 hours. It is a popular administration method because it is both fast-acting and long-lasting.

Related Post: CBD Oil Under The Tongue: The Quickest Edible Application Method!

Other Ways to Take CBD Oil

You can also take CBD oil tincture as an edible. Either ingest it on its own or add a few drops to your food. You can even apply CBD oil to make your homemade edibles!

It takes longer to kick in when you ingest CBD than when you take it sublingually. If you ingest CBD, it typically takes 45-60 minutes to feel the effects. However, it can sometimes take even longer for certain individuals depending on their metabolism. The lengthy wait between swallowing CBD and experiencing its effects can make it tricky to achieve the ideal dosage.

You can also enjoy CBD oil as a topical treatment. Research indicates that CBD has nourishing benefits for your skin, as well as targeted relief from aches. However, you would better choose CBD products designed for skin care, like lotions and relief salves.

Related product: Cheef Botanicals' Premium CBD Oils

Strength of CBD Oil

Cheef Botanicals sells four strengths of CBD oil: 300 mg, 600 mg, 1200 mg, and 3000 mg. That translates to between 1 and 5 mg of CBD in a single drop.

If you are new to CBD, we recommend starting with a low strength (300 mg) and trying it out to see how you react to the CBD. You might learn that you need a stronger tincture, or you might realize that a small dosage gives you exactly what you’re looking for.

What Types Of CBD Oil Are There?

There are three basic types of CBD oil. They differ depending on what hemp compounds they contain. Before we get to that, let’s give you a quick refresher on the basic compounds in hemp.

Hemp is a form of cannabis plant. It contains cannabinoids like CBD and THC, terpenes that impart smell and flavor, flavonoids that give it the color, and more. The compounds in your CBD oil determine its properties. Let’s take a look at the three basic varieties of CBD oil:

Full Spectrum CBD Oil

Full-spectrum CBD products contain all the active compounds naturally found in hemp plants. This includes Delta 9 THC. THC is known for being the primary active compound in marijuana plants. However, hemp plants contain only trace amounts of THC (0.3% or less per federal law). This is such a small amount that CBD should not make you intoxicated. 

Broad Spectrum CBD Oil

For a THC-free product, try broad spectrum CBD! It contains all of the same cannabis compounds that you find in full spectrum hemp products, with one exception. Broad spectrum CBD oil has no THC in it.



Isolate contains no THC nor any of the other compounds in cannabis except for cannabidiol. That’s right; this is pure CBD oil. However, isolate oil is not as common as other isolate products, like powder and CBD capsules.

What Type Of CBD Oil Is Best For You?

Different types of CBD oil deliver different benefits, so you should take some time to consider what you want to get out of your CBD experience. Full spectrum, broad spectrum, and isolate CBD oils act uniquely due to the entourage effect.

The entourage effect refers to the combined power of all the compounds in the hemp plant working together. Research suggests that the effects of CBD are enhanced when you pair it with THC and other cannabis compounds. If you want to maximize the potential benefits of CBD and maximize the entourage effect, we strongly recommend full spectrum CBD oil.

However, full spectrum products may not be right for everyone. They have trace amounts of THC, and while they should not contain enough to make you feel high, there is a slight risk that CBD oil with THC in it could trigger a false-positive result on a drug test. If that possibility concerns you, or you wish to avoid THC outright for your reasons, you might prefer a broad spectrum or isolate CBD product instead.

How Many Drops Of CBD Oil Should I Take?

Now let’s figure out how much CBD you should take! It all depends on your body weight. We typically recommend adhering to the following guidelines:

  • Regular Dose: 0.25 mg per pound
  • Strong Dose: 0.5 mg per pound

Once you’ve determined your dose in milligrams, we can use that to determine how many drops of CBD oil you should place under your tongue. As we previously mentioned, Cheef Botanicals sells CBD oil in three strengths: 300 mg, 600 mg, 1200 mg, and 3000 mg. Here’s how many milligrams of CBD are in one drop of each:

  • 300 mg Strength CBD Oil: 1 drop = 1 mg CBD
  • 600 mg Strength CBD Oil: 1 drop = 2 mg CBD
  • 1200 mg Strength CBD Oil: 1 drop = 2 mg CBD
  • 3000 mg Strength CBD Oil: 1 drop = 5 mg CBD

Let’s take a look at an example. Say you weigh 160 pounds, and you want to take a regular dose of 600 mg CBD oil. Here’s how to calculate your dose:

160 (lbs) x 0.25 (mg/lb) = 40 mg

A 160 lb person should take 40 mg of CBD as a regular dose. Here’s how to measure a 40 mg dose of CBD from a bottle of 600 mg strength tincture, which has 2 mg of CBD in each drop.

40 (mg) ÷ 2 (mg/drop) = 20 drops

In conclusion, a 160 lb person should take 20 drops of 600 mg-strength CBD oil for a regular dose. Each bottle of 300 and 600 mg tincture contains approximately 300 drops. A bottle of 1200 or 3000 mg tincture contains about 600 drops.

How Long Do You Leave CBD Oil Under Your Tongue?

Start by placing your pre-determined CBD dose under your tongue. Then, hold it there for 90 seconds. After that, you can swallow what remains.

For those wondering how long and how many drops of CBD oil they should leave under your tongues should start by holding the CBD oil under their tongue for about 90 seconds for sublingual absorption. If you swallow the CBD tincture too quickly, it will act like an edible, and you will have to wait around an hour, or possibly longer, to get the desired effect.

How Quick Will You Feel the Effects from Taking CBD Sublingually?

Taking CBD under your tongue should feel the desired effect in 15-30 minutes. This is the second-fastest way to feel the benefits of CBD after inhalation, which takes just seconds. However, smoking and vaping aren’t for everyone, and CBD oil provides fast-acting relief to all who desire it.

Once the effects of taking CBD sublingually set it, they should last 4-6 hours. This is longer than smoking, which lasts 3-4 hours, and almost as long as edibles, which last 6-8 hours. Only CBD oil gives you that combination of fast action and sustained impact!


Why Choose Cheef Botanicals CBD Oil?

Experts in the organic food industry founded Cheef Botanicals. We put the foundations of natural wellness at the forefront of our operation. That’s why we only use natural, organic ingredients to make our oil tinctures and other CBD products.

Cheef Botanicals’ CBD Oil contains just two organic, plant-based ingredients. The first is CBD extract, which we derive from hemp plants using a solvent-free CO2 extraction method. This ensures that no harmful chemicals end up in the final product.

The second ingredient in our CBD tincture is organic hemp seed oil. Hemp seeds are a superfood high in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They are also a tremendous source of plant-based protein and nutritious omega 3 fatty acids.

At Cheef, we have all of our CBD products tested by third-party labs to ensure quality and purity. If you aren’t 100% satisfied with your order, we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee to our customers.

Final thoughts – How Many Drops Of CBD Oil Under Tongue

Once you navigate how many drops of CBD oil to put under your tongue, it quickly becomes one of the fastest ways to enjoy its benefits. We encourage first-timers to start with a small dosage and take more CBD as needed. One of the best parts about taking CBD sublingually is that the effects kick in fast, so you’ll quickly find out whether you took enough or if you need a few more drops.

You can buy CBD oil on our store page to start your wellness journey. Don’t forget to check out our other products as well. CBD is a versatile compound built to suit all needs. There’s something out there for everyone!

Learn more about CBD oil and CBD edibles here.