Cheef Botanicals

How to Make Your Own CBD Infused Drinks [5 Amazing Recipes!]

Nowadays, most people are aware of the term CBD. They may not be too familiar of exactly what it is, but chances are they know someone who’s benefiting from it. Often times, when people decide to try out CBD, they are surprised to see how many different ways there are to take it. One of the most delicious ways to enjoy it is by making CBD infused drinks. Today we are uncovering why this trend is growing, along with 5 tasty CBD drink recipes. It’s time to quench that CBD thirst.



Why Are People Drinking CBD Infused Drinks?

CBD infused drinks are nutritious and delicious! People are drinking CBD infused drinks for the many benefits CBD may offer. CBD, short for Cannabidiol, is a natural cannabinoid or molecule that comes from the hemp (cannabis) plant (cbd flower). Hemp is a plant which civilizations have used for therapeutic and recreational reasons for thousands of years.


Fast forward to today, and people use CBD as a form of preventative maintenance which promotes the body’s natural “balance” or “harmony”. This is a state known as homeostasis. CBD is able to help promote homeostasis in the human body via our endogenous Endocannabinoid System (ECS).


The fact that it can offer help in so many instances with virtually no mental or physical downside is CBD’s driving force for gaining popularity. Knowing this, it’s no surprise that the CBD industry is growing and CBD infused drinks are an industry set to boom.


According to Yahoo Finance, “CBD and Hemp infused drinks will grow to over $1.4 Billion by 2024, an almost fifteen times (15x) increase from 2018 sales of just $89 million. As an alternative to buying manufactured CBD infused drinks, however, many people making their own delicious recipes. 


One of the main reasons people are drinking CBD rather than using traditional methods is simply because it is more enjoyable.


There are people who enjoy the taste of CBD tinctures and others who dislike it. In the past, for those who dislike it, the normal alternatives would be to take some CBD capsule or edible. Luckily, more recently, CBD infused drinks and CBD edibles have become a delicious alternative to traditional methods. Here are some different CBD infused drink recipes for you to try, if you fancy. 



cbd oil next to a steaming mug of joe



5 Amazing CBD Infused Drink Recipes

If you or someone you know takes CBD, these recipes can offer an enjoyably tasty way to take it. For this list of CBD infused drinks, we tried to include something for everyone. It ranges from a stimulating drink like CBD coffee to something more relaxing like honey chamomile CBD tea latte. There’s even something here for taking the edge off. We’re talking about CBD infused alcoholic beverages (for those 21 and older of course). 


Each of these recipes is portioned for a single serving. If you do not know your personal CBD dosage size you can easily find this information using our CBD dosage chart. Now it’s time to make our drinks and cheers to health and wellness.


Mint Chocolate CBD Latte

This is a simple yet effective CBD infused coffee drink. Perfect for waking up and getting your day started with, or for the afternoon to give you that extra kick to get you through the day. Now, the best part of waking up is the CBD in your cup.



  • ¾ cup of coffee
  • ½ cup of hot milk
  • 3-5 Andes mint chocolates
  • 1 dose of Cheef Botanicals CBD tincture oil


1. Break the Andes mint chocolates into pieces and place them into the glass you will be using. If you don’t want your coffee too sweet, use 3 chocolates or less. If you prefer a strong minty chocolate flavor, add 5 or more Andes mints.

2. Prepare coffee as you normally do in your coffee maker.

3. Heat up ½ cup of milk for 1-1½ minutes in the microwave.      

4. Mix the milk to your desired frothiness using an electric mixer or milk steamer.

5. Add ¾ cup of hot freshly brewed coffee to the glass with the chocolate.

6. Add your CBD.

7. Use a spoon to hold back the froth and add the hot milk.

8. Add the remaining milk froth to the top of your drink to make it a latte.

9. Drink and enjoy!


Honey Chamomile CBD Tea Latte

Try this delicious sensation before turning off to bed for a great night’s sleep. If you want to really relax, try using 3 tea bags to increase the comforting powers of chamomile and CBD.



  • 8 oz water
  • 2 chamomile teabags
  • ¼ cup of milk
  • 2 tsp honey
  • 1 dose of Cheef Botanicals CBD tincture oil
  • Ground cinnamon (optional)


1. Bring water to a boil.

2. Place chamomile tea bags into a glass and pour the hot water over tea bags.

3. Let steep for 6-10 minutes.      

4. While tea is steeping, combine milk and honey and heat in the microwave for 1-1 ½ minutes.

5. Froth the heated mixture with an electric mixer or steamer (or blender).

6. When the tea is ready, take out the tea bags and pour in the milk and honey.

7. Add CBD and give it a little stir.

8. Sprinkle some cinnamon (optional for flavoring).

9. Drink and enjoy!



dropping tincture droplets into a nice cup of joe



CBD Peanut Butter Banana Milkshake

Looking for something sweet to satisfy that sweet tooth? Try this CBD infused drink with an added sweet twist. Mixing bananas and peanut butter is an amazingly delicious combination. Add in some CBD and you got a dessert made for champions.



  • One heaping tablespoon of creamy peanut butter
  • 2-3 scoops of vanilla bean ice cream (or frozen yogurt)
  • ¾ Banana
  • ¾ cup of milk (or almond milk)
  • 1 dose of Cheef Botanicals CBD tincture oil
  • Whipped cream (optional)


1. Combine all ingredients into a blender.

2. Blend ingredients thoroughly.

3. Pour blended mixture into a glass.      

4. Top off your milkshake with whipped cream (optional).

5. Drink and enjoy!


You can adjust the flavors of this drink to fit your preference. If you like, you can add more or less peanut butter or banana to adjust the flavor. You also can try adding more or less milk to adjust the thickness of your milkshake.



how to make your own CBD infused drinks



CBD Infused Alcoholic Drinks

CBD infused drinks are wonderful. They can help stimulate your mind and relax your body. If you really want to unwind, however, a CBD infused drink with alcohol might do the trick. 


Mixing CBD and alcohol may intensify the effects of both. This is known as “potentiating.” When drinking alcohol, it is always a safe practice to approach drinking cautiously and drink responsibly. We recommend using this same judgment and caution if you mix alcohol and CBD. <%2