Cheef Botanicals

Is CBD Oil Addictive? No, It's Not! Here Are the Reasons Why

You’ve heard your friends and loved ones continuously talk about CBD oil, and you want to see what the hype is about! But before you try it you might want to know if CBD oil is addictive. Many consumers wonder the same thing since CBD oil comes from the hemp plant (which is a variation of cannabis).


Although marijuana and hemp are similar, they are not the same. So let’s answer your question, “Is CBD oil addictive?” The simple answer is no, it is not addictive. Let’s learn CBD facts plus why marijuana and THC may be addictive but hemp and CBD are not!



The Rise of CBD Oil

It seems like every day there are new products introduced to the market that make a ton of promises leaving you unsure which company to believe. The bright side, however, is that CBD has been around forever! We’re talking earlier than 2000 BC! Many ancient civilizations have used hemp in their apothecary practices.


Hemp is a versatile plant with high concentrations of CBD. It has been used in many industries up until prohibition made growing it illegal in the late ’30s. Recently, hemp became legal again with the passing of the 2014 and 2018 farm bills and it is classified by the level of THC it has (0,3% or less).


THC stands for Tetrahydrocannabinol and it is the cannabinoid in the plant that induces intoxication (gets you high). Hemp has a higher CBD to THC ratio, meaning that the marijuana component that you get “high” from, aka THC, is much lower.



What is CBD Oil?

Cannabidiol oil or CBD oil is derived from the infamous hemp plant. There are three different spectrums of it: full spectrum, broad spectrum, and isolate. A full spectrum CBD product is the most effective of the three because it contains all the terpenes and cannabinoids found in hemp. Terpenes and cannabinoids interact with the Endocannabinoid System (ECS), which promotes homeostasis in the body. Consumers can experience the entourage effect with a full-spectrum CBD oil.


The entourage effect is a theory that suggests the combination of all the components in hemp boosts the beneficial effects of each individual cannabinoid and contributes to the overall therapeutic effects. Broad spectrum CBD contains all of the cannabinoids and terpenes in the cannabis plant, except THC. Broad spectrum provides a “partial” entourage effect since it is void of THC.


CBD isolate contains only pure CBD, meaning that all additional cannabinoids and terpenes have been removed. CBD, by itself, offers no entourage effect. Though, it still has many beneficial qualities that help maintain homeostasis.



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Why Do People Use CBD Oil?

There are a number of reasons why people use CBD oil, but one of the most common reasons is to compliment the ECS, as mentioned in the previous section. Cannabinoids are largely responsible for homeostasis of the body. Our ECS produces endocannabinoids on its own in order to naturally help us deal with stress, anxiety, sleep, mood, digestion, and more.


The ECS communicates with other systems of the body by using endocannabinoids and cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2). When we ingest cannabinoids like CBD and THC, they interact with these same receptors to initiate specific reactions, just like our own endocannabinoids do. And, like daily vitamins, you can incorporate CBD oil in your everyday life!


CBD may help with feelings of nervousness. It has shown to mellow people out, without making them feel “high.” CBD oil has also been shown to promote a good night’s sleep. CBD may lengthen your deep sleep, which is the sleep that helps your mind and body recover from the day it has had. A healthy amount of deep sleep can also improve memory. Other consumers claim that CBD offers comfort from soreness and tension.



Does CBD Oil Get You High?

No, although CBD comes from cannabis it does not get you high. THC is the psychoactive component in cannabis that gets you high. Nevertheless, there is little to no THC in legal CBD oils. Broad spectrum and isolate oils do not contain any psychoactive cannabinoid. However, full spectrum CBD oil does. Specifically, it has 0.3% or less THC, which makes it 2018 Farm Bill compliant. Marijuana derived CBD products are illegal in many states because they contain a higher THC content.



Is CBD Oil Addictive?

CBD is in a non-habit forming cannabinoid which means it is not addictive. It does not result in psychoactive effects and you cannot gain a tolerance to it. In fact, many studies claim that CBD has a “reverse tolerance effect,” meaning over time, your body should require a lower dosage to experience the same effects.


Related Article: Can You Build a Tolerance to CBD?



Can CBD Oil Help With Addiction?

Some studies support the theory that CBD oil helps with addiction. However, there isn’t a definitive answer. Nevertheless, some people advocate using CBD as a holistic alternative to curb addiction cravings. If you think about it, CBD oil can help with discomfort, and cutting an addiction is not comfortable at all.



Does CBD Have Any Side Effects?

CBD oil or CBD flower may result in mild side effects such as dry mouth, drowsiness, upset stomach, diarrhea, or reduced appetite. Although many of these side effects are associated with very high doses of CBD.


Additionally, any initial CBD side effects usually subside once the body becomes accustomed to it. One other side effect is CBD may slow the metabolization of certain drugs, if you’re on a prescription or have a serious condition it’s advised you get professional advice before taking CBD.



Final Thoughts

There are numerous people who use CBD oil daily to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Some use CBD oil in their yoga practice and meditation. CBD oil is not addictive. It does not have any properties that alter the way you think or the way you necessarily feel. With daily use, it can be very beneficial. Check this link.