Cheef Botanicals

CBD Oil Dosage for Dogs & Cats [Full Dosage Chart]

Maybe you have a cat that won’t stop scratching up your couch whenever you’re not home. Or maybe you have a dog that gets very nervous around other dogs at the park. Many pet owners have considered CBD for helping their pets deal with nervousness and discomfort. But what is the right CBD oil dosage for dogs? What is the right CBD oil dosage for cats? 

CBD is a natural and safe compound found in the hemp plant. People have realized the positive benefits it provides for the body and mind, and now they want to give that same comfort to their pets. But how do you start? Luckily it’s really easy to figure out the CBD dosage for your pet! Check out our guide below to get started. 

dog about to take cbd oil

Basic Dosing Rules for All Pets

We love our pets (a lot). So we can be a little overprotective of them and, sometimes, a bit too cautious. That’s why a lot of pet owners are a little nervous about the proper CBD dosing for their cat or dog. How much is too much? What amount is too little? 

This is often a concern for pet owners looking to provide CBD’s benefits in a safe, healthy way because there are no FDA guidelines online. CBD for pets is a growing market, but it’s still a new concept in some regards. And more and more benefits are always being discovered. So, where do you begin? 

Trusted CBD companies, like Cheef Botanicals, have come up with a general dosing chart for animals as well as humans. We created this chart to ensure that your pet is getting a safe, healthy, and effective amount of CBD. Check it out!

Related Article: Hemp Oil vs CBD Oil for Dogs [Which Is Best For Your Pooch?]

Capsule Dosing

0-20 pounds (150 mg bottle)

  • Starting Dose: 2.5 mg
  • Regular Dose: 5 mg
  • Strong Dose: 10 mg

20 – 60 pounds (300 mg bottle)

  • Starting Dose: 5 mg
  • Regular Dose: 10 mg
  • Strong Dose: 20 mg

60 – 100 pounds (600 mg bottle)

  • Starting Dose: 10 mg
  • Regular Dose: 20 mg
  • Strong Dose: 40 mg

100 – 160 pounds (1200 mg bottle)

  • Starting Dose: 20 mg
  • Regular Dose: 40 mg
  • Strong Dose: 80 mg

Dog Treat Dosing

0 – 20 pounds (150 mg bottle)

  • Starting Dose: 1/2 treat
  • Regular Dose: 1 treat
  • Strong Dose: 2 treats

20 – 60 pounds (300 mg bottle)

  • Starting Dose: 1/2 treat
  • Regular Dose: 1 treat
  • Strong Dose: 2 treats

60 – 100 pounds (600 mg bottle)

  • Starting Dose: 1/2 treat
  • Regular Dose: 1 treat
  • Strong Dose: 2 treats

Tincture Dosing

0-20 pounds (150 mg bottle)

  • Starting Dose: 2.5 mg 
  • Regular Dose: 5 mg
  • Strong Dose: 10 mg

20 – 60 pounds (300 mg bottle)

  • Starting Dose: 5 mg
  • Regular Dose: 10 mg
  • Strong Dose: 20 mg

60 – 100 pounds (600 mg bottle)

  • Starting Dose: 10 mg
  • Regular Dose: 20 mg
  • Strong Dose: 40 mg

100 – 160 pounds (1200 mg bottle)

  • Starting Dose: 20 mg
  • Regular Dose: 40 mg
  • Strong Dose: 80 mg

CBD is non-intoxicating and won’t make your pet high or experience any of the negative side effects associated with intoxication. It’s also very hard to overdose on CBD, as it takes 20,000 mg or more! The common side effects of too much CBD include dry mouth and feeling sleepy. 

You can still start with a smaller dose for a pet that hasn’t experienced CBD to monitor its initial response. From there, you can raise or lower the dose. A regular dose is for daily health and wellness. When CBD interacts with the receptors in your pet’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), it can positively benefit the animal’s:

  • Immune function
  • Joint mobility
  • Skin conditions/Itchy skin
  • Appetite
  • Digestion
  • Nervousness
  • Minor aches

Some pets might require a stronger dose if the regular amount doesn’t have a strong enough effect. Strong doses help with mobility issues, symptoms of chronic illnesses, severe anxious behaviors and moods, and serious digestive and stomach issues. 

It is usually best to give your pet CBD every eight hours, or twice a day. Give them the treats or tinctures at the same time every day (most owners choose to do this during breakfast and dinner). The more often you provide your pet CBD, the more effective its benefits become. You’ll even be able to give them smaller doses over time, and they’ll still get the same effects. 

Related Article: How to Give Your Dog CBD Oil [4 Easy Methods that Work]

How Much CBD Should I Give My Pet For Anxiety? 

Anxious, nervous, and destructive behaviors are often the reason pet owners turn to CBD. It has a calming effect, leaving your pet feeling comforted and reducing unwanted habits and behaviors (like scratching up couches or barking at doors). 

Just like in humans, pets experience anxiety for several reasons. These are often triggered by events like fireworks, a stranger in the home, or coming in contact with another pet they don’t know. Moving or being brought to the vet can also cause temporary anxious behaviors. 

For these situations, provide your pet with CBD 30 minutes before the triggering event. The amount you give them depends on their weight, activity level, and other factors. Monitor their behavior and see if you need to reduce or increase the dose next time your pet is in one of these situations. 

Some pets have been diagnosed with anxiety disorders, including social and separation anxiety. Social anxiety happens when a pet comes into contact with people or animals they aren’t used to. You’ll notice nervous or defensive behavior. Other pets may become hostile and aggressive. Separation anxiety occurs when you leave your pet alone for long hours often, leading to vomiting, peeing, scratching, and other unwanted behaviors while they await your return. 

Pets with consistent behavioral problems brought on by anxiousness and nervousness can benefit from regularly taking CBD in strong doses. Finding the right CBD oil dosage for cats and dogs with behavioral problems depends on the same factors: age, weight, and metabolism, among others. Just remember to monitor the effect CBD has on them after the initial few doses so you can adjust the amount. 

How Much CBD Should I Give My Pet For Joint Discomfort? 

Your pet may experience joint discomfort, inflammation, and aching as a side effect of age or health conditions. This is especially common in dogs. If joint discomfort is left untreated, pets can become immobile, lazy, and experience even greater pain. 

Pets with ongoing discomfort greatly benefit from CBD, which soothes their physical discomfort and reduces aches. But what’s the right CBD oil dosage for cats and dogs with joint discomfort?

The amount of CBD you provide to a pet with physical discomfort depends on its size and the severity of its symptoms. Heavier pets will need larger doses, as outlined in the above dosing guidelines. For example, a 55-pound dog needs 10 mg of CBD for a regular dose. More obvious symptoms usually require a stronger dose rather than a regular dose, meaning your dog would need 20 mg. 

Watch how your dog reacts to the initial dose amount. If it still seems sluggish and uncomfortable, try giving it a stronger dose of CBD next time. Routinely providing CBD for your pet will gradually allow the dosage to be lowered for the same effects later on. 

How Long Does it Take for CBD to Work?

CBD takes about 30 to 45 minutes to take effect for most pets. That means it can also be provided about 30 minutes before triggering events, like before you leave home (if your pet has separation anxiety), before fireworks, or before traveling or moving with them. Your pet will feel the effects of the CBD right before these situations, helping them remain calm and soothed. CBD can also be given to your pet when experiencing discomfort, like if they feel aches or just had surgery. This will provide your pet with some comfort when they need it most. 

siamese cat cbd oil

How Long Does CBD Last in Dogs & Cats?

CBD can last a pretty good while in dogs and cats. The usual amount of time CBD’s effects last is between four and eight hours. But the CBD can remain in your pet’s system for up to 24 hours. The duration of CBD’s effects depends on a lot of different factors. Here are a few common ones you should keep in mind:

  • Dosage amount
  • Ailments and conditions
  • Severity of symptoms
  • Breed and size
  • Genetics
  • Activity level
  • Metabolism
  • How much food in the system
  • Personal physiology
  • Personal chemistry

Does Dosage Change with Each CBD Product for Dogs & Cats?

There are various CBD products for dogs and cats, meaning you’ll always be able to find one that’s perfect for your pet’s specific needs and preferences. CBD products range from treats and calming chews to capsules and tinctures. 

The dosage of CBD will vary depending on the CBD product you choose. The general rule will remain the same (the heavier the pet, the higher the dose), but some products have more concentrated CBD than others.

For example, if you want your 10-pound cat to get a strong dose of CBD, provide it with 10 mg of CBD. That equals two capsules, two treats, or 1 ml of CBD oil for pets. There are multiple CBD concentration options within various oil products, ranging from 150 to 3,000 mg of CBD. The oil’s concentration will determine the amount you provide your pet as well. 

Related: CBD for Pets Near Me [The Easiest Way To Find CBD Fast]

Final Thoughts – CBD Oil Dosage for Dogs & Cats

Since the CBD pet market is relatively new, there are not many official guidelines that make it easy to look up the proper amount of CBD to give to your pet. Luckily trusted companies like Cheef Botanicals have come up with a way to provide CBD to your pet safely and effectively. And that’s exactly why we created our CBD oil dosage for cats and dogs chart.

Feel free to contact a vet to discuss what’s right for your pet’s specific needs and preferences. Some pets may only need a CBD treat during special occasions, while others will benefit from having CBD oil put on their food every eight hours. Our pets are important to us. They are family. That’s why we are always looking for ways to keep them happy and healthy. CBD is always an option for pets experiencing physical discomfort and stress!