Cheef Botanicals

Can You Vape Tincture? READ This BEFORE You Try It

Can you vape CBD tincture oil? Cheef Botanicals

Did you know that vaping is the quickest way to gain CBD’s benefits? However, you can’t just put any CBD product into a vaporizer and puff on it. It’s true that both CBD tincture oils and CBD vape juices are both made of human-grade consumable ingredients, but you should only vape one. You may have noticed the similarities between the two and wondered, can you vape CBD tincture oil? Well, the correct answer is no. Let us explain why.



Why Do People Vape?

Many people are familiar with vaping and often view it as a safer alternative to smoking cigarettes, or tobacco. The rise of vaping was driven by the growing awareness of the risks associated with cigarette smoking. As smokers sought a less harmful way to satisfy their nicotine cravings, the vaping industry emerged. Today, this shift has also led to a growing trend of replacing cigarette smoking with vaping CBD.


Vaping, however, is nothing new to the cannabis world. Cannabis users have been using plug-in vaporizers since the ’90s. However, it’s the newer portable vaping device that led to the widespread vaping trends we currently see. Today, many people use portable vape devices to consume nicotine, CBD, and other cannabis concentrates.


Portable vaping devices consist of a battery, mouthpiece, atomizer, and chamber. As the operator begins to puff, the atomizer heats up a small portion of the liquid or e-juice (from the chamber) to create vapors. These vapors are inhaled through the mouthpiece and into the lungs.


vaping on rooftop with pen



Why Do People Vape CBD?

Recently, vaping CBD has become quite popular. People vape CBD flower to gain all the positive benefits it has to offer. CBD is a special cannabinoid that comes from the cannabis (hemp) plant and it works by supporting, influencing, and interacting with our endocannabinoid system (ECS).


Thanks to all the studies surrounding the ECS we have discovered that a healthy ECS supports proper balance and harmony throughout the body, known as homeostasis.


When you use CBD, you get the benefits of the plant without the high that normally accommodates cannabis use. If you vape CBD, you should feel the effects within 90 seconds, whereas other products can take 30 minutes to an hour. Safe to say, vaping CBD offers quick relief when you need it.


So what CBD products are safe to vape? To the newcomer, this can seem confusing. CBD tinctures and CBD vape juices are sold in similar packaging and containers. We are here to help distinguish the difference.


Want to learn more about vaping CBD? Check out this article regarding everything you need to know about vaping CBD.

Can You Vape CBD Tincture Oil?

First of all, CBD tinctures are intended for oral ingestion, not oral inhalation. You can ingest them orally or sublingually which increases its bioavailability. Some people refer to these tinctures as “CBD oils” because of their oil base. CBD tinctures are usually only made of CBD and a carrier oil such as hemp oil, coconut oil, or MCT oil. Carrier oils are incorporated to make the raw CBD more palatable and it allows for consumer dosage adjustments.


CBD tincture oils are safe to cook with and there are recipes that use them for making CBD infused drinks, but again, this doesn’t make them safe to vape. Studies have shown that inhalation of these oils could lead to serious health risks such as lipoid pneumonia. This being said, you should only vape CBD products that are specifically intended for vaping.



Can You Vape Any Type Of Tincture?

No! We’re not only talking about CBD tincture — you should not vape any type of tincture. This includes THC, Delta 8, CBN, and others. Oil tinctures, in general, are specifically made to ingest and should only be ingested. Only vape products should be used for vaping since vape juice is made specifically for this purpose. If heated, oils can produce an extremely harmful smoke that can cause damage to your lungs. In some cases, it can even be fatal.


A good rule of thumb to remember is if a product contains any kind of oil, it’s probably not a good idea to try and vape it. Unless a liquid product is marketed for vaping, it probably isn’t best to assume you can vape it, either. If you’re unsure whether you can vape a product or not, doing your research ahead of time is always your best bet!


can you vape CBD tincture oil



Can You Smoke Tincture?

You should never smoke CBD oil tinctures or any other kinds of tincture. Again, CBD tinctures are formulated specifically to be ingested, as are most other tinctures. Oil tinctures normally contain carrier oils to make them easier to digest (like MCT oil or coconut oil), and these carrier oils can be harmful to smoke or inhale.


Any time you spot someone smoking a liquid substance that looks like CBD oil tincture, it’s likely they’re smoking CBD vape juice. Even though they look similar, it’s important that you only smoke products formulated with smoking in mind.



What Are the Correct CBD Products to Vape?

If you are thinking about vaping CBD you will want to use a CBD e-liquid, CBD e-juice or CBD vape juice. These are terms used interchangeably, but they all refer to the same thing: CBD liquid intended for vaping. We prefer the term CBD vape juice as it is the most self-explanatory.


CBD Vape Juices

These products are similar to nicotine vape juices, but, instead of nicotine, they are infused with CBD. Common ingredients are propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, terpenes or flavorings, and CBD. All of these ingredients are human food-grade, meaning they are safe for human consumption. Notice anything else? None of the ingredients are oils. Remember, vaping oil can pose serious health risks.


CBD vape juices are made to use with refillable vaping devices, such as refillable vape pens and vape mods. They’re packaged in glass or plastic containers along with a dropper, which you can use to refill your empty vape tanks.


Note to consumers: The packaging containers of CBD vape juices and CBD tinctures can be strikingly similar but only one is made specifically for vaping devices. Make sure you choose a CBD vape juice (clearly labeled as a vaping product).


Alternatively, you can avoid the confusion all together and go with a pre-filled vape cartridge or disposable CBD vape pen. Both these options still use CBD vape juice; however, they are pre-filled, thus eliminating confusion among consumers.


vape cartridge on rock at beach


Disposable CBD Vape Pen

Another convenient option for vaping CBD is to use a disposable vape pen. Disposable CBD vape pens are similar to pre-filled cartridges. Instead of replacing just the cartridge, however, the whole device is replaceable. There is no need for recharging batteries because they come pre-charged. Once the CBD finishes or the battery dies, it’s time for a new one.


CBD Vape Cartridges

If refilling empty vape tanks is something you wish to avoid or bypass, you can try using CBD vape cartridges instead. These are pre-filled vape cartridges that come filled with CBD vape juice. After the cartridge is used up, you can simply toss it out and replace it with a new one! They come in many different flavors, like our OG Kush Vape CBD, and are convenient. Here are some of our most popular CBD vape cartridge flavors:


  • Caramel Macchiato: You don’t have to wait in a long line to get your day started with this cup of Joe! Roll out of bed, power up your pen, and wake up in a creamy cloud of freshly ground espresso and gooey caramel.
  • Blackberry: So fresh, you’d swear we picked them ourselves on a warm summer day. Our Blackberry cart is vibrant and juicy and packs a fruity, fresh punch.
  • Gorilla Glue: Enjoy the classic you know and love in its newest form. Gorilla Glue is reminiscent of chocolate and coffee, with a citrusy, lemony punch.
  • Bubble Gum: Puff, *pop*, pass! This banana, strawberry swirl vape cart will blow you way back to your big league days. Remember the sweetness of being a kid with our Bubble Gum.
  • Watermelon: Fruity and refreshing, and without all the mess, Watermelon tastes like the 4th of July. Quench your thirst, and pull up a lounge chair for maximum relaxation!


It’s also important to note that if you plan on using pre-filled carts, you will need a vape pen or battery compatible with the standard 510 thread. Almost all vape carts are compatible with the standard 510 thread connection.


Can You Vape CBD Flower?

Though it is slightly different from vaping CBD juice, you can vape CBD flower! When you vape CBD flower, you’ll get to experience all the benefits of whichever strain you choose to vape.


The main difference between vaping CBD flower and vape juice is that you’ll need a different kind of vaping device to vape flower. These vape devices are called dry herb vaporizers.


Even though they’re not the same as vape pens, dry herb vaporizers are still pretty easy to use. Grind up your choice of hemp flower, pack and power on your vape, pick your preferred temperature and enjoy.


Should I Hold In CBD Vapors? 

We don’t recommend holding in CBD vapors after inhaling. Holding in CBD vapors probably won’t feel great and may increase your risk of experiencing throat and lung irritation.


There’s also no current evidence that supports whether holding in vapors will increase how much you can absorb at a time. It also won’t help your body absorb the CBD faster or more effectively. Because of this, we highly suggest that you inhale and exhale as naturally as possible when vaping or using CBD vape cartridges.


CBD Vaping – Mouth to Lung (MTL) vs Direct to Lung (DTL) 

Even though holding CBD vapor in isn’t recommended, there are still a couple of different methods you can use when vaping CBD.


The Mouth to Lung (MTL) technique is common amongst people who are new to vaping. When you vape MTL, you draw the vapor into your mouth for a moment before inhaling it into your lungs. This mouth-holding method is similar to how you’d smoke a cigar. When you vape using this method, you’ll have a more controlled vapor intake — this is why this method can be great for beginners.


When you use a Direct to Lung (DTL) technique, the vapors are drawn directly into your lungs instead of being held in your mouth first. While this will allow you to feel CBD’s effects more quickly, this technique may be a little strong for beginners. Inhaling too much at once may cause you to cough a bit, especially if you aren’t accustomed to vaping or smoking.


What Is the Right Dose for You?

While there are currently no official dosing recommendations for CBD, we’ve worked with scientists and hemp industry pros to create basic guidelines to help you figure out your perfect dose. While we do have milligram per body weight recommendations for more solid products (like gummies or oil tincture), dosing for smokable products is a little different. Generally, an average vape puff contains about 1 mg of CBD per 1 second.


If you’re new to CBD or vaping, we suggest that you start by consuming a lower amount of CBD by taking shorter or smaller puffs to start. This will help you figure out what your body’s tolerance levels are. Since vaping CBD has such a fast onset time (immediately to 30 – 90 seconds), you’ll also be able to tell very quickly after inhaling whether you want to consume more or not.


To learn more about suggested dosing and for help figuring out what dosage may be best for you, check out our handy dosage chart on our website!



Why Choose Cheef Botanicals For CBD Vape Carts

At Cheef Botanicals, we create our CBD vape carts by combining Broad Spectrum CBD and natural terpenes — and that’s it! We don’t use any preservatives or additives like PG, PEG, VG, or MCT oils like other brands might. We believe that natural is best and never add harmful or unnatural additives to our products.


Our ingredients are always organic, non-GMO, dairy-free, and gluten-free so that anyone can consume our products without the added worry. And with over 20 delicious flavors to choose from? We’re confident that we have exactly what you’re looking for down to a T.


Visit our Shop section today to explore our product selection, read stellar reviews, and find the right CBD products for you!




Hopefully, this article clarifies any confusion on whether or not you can vape oil tinctures. Remember, CBD tinctures are intended for oral consumption and CBD vape juices are made to vape. If you try and vape CBD tincture oil you will be putting yourself at risk. Only vape products that are manufactured for vaping.


Additional Resources: Online CBD vape cartridges

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