Cheef Botanicals

Can I Take CBD Oil With Melatonin?

can i take cbd oil with melatonin

Insomnia affects countless individuals worldwide with major consequences. Poor-quality sleep can make you feel deflated and defeated in the mornings, never allowing you to really enjoy the day. Melatonin supplements and CBD oil are two natural remedies that promote better sleep, and they’re both very popular. This has many people asking, “Can I take CBD oil with melatonin?”


The answer is yes! You can take CBD and melatonin together. They are both natural compounds, and your body produces similar chemicals of its own. People tolerate them very well, and they’ve been popular for centuries. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at both CBD and melatonin and the great benefits they offer. Check it out!



What Is Melatonin?

Melatonin is a hormone that regulates the body’s sleep-wake cycle, also known as the circadian rhythm. It is naturally produced by the pineal gland in the brain and is referred to as endogenous melatonin. In addition to the body’s natural production, synthetic melatonin supplements are available from pharmaceutical companies to assist those who have difficulty sleeping.


Ideally, your pineal gland should release peak levels of melatonin during the dark hours between 11 PM and 3 AM. There is roughly 10 times more melatonin in our bodies at night than during the day. People who struggle to sleep during these hours may benefit from a melatonin supplement.


Synthetic supplements work on melatonin receptors known as MT-1 and MT-2 receptorsThese special receptors are present in many parts of the body, including the retina in your eyes and white blood cells in your immune system. Synthetic melatonin can promote healthy sleep-wake cycles by telling the body when it’s time to go to bed.


Why Do People Use Melatonin?

Today, we live in a bustling world. A good night’s rest can be an invaluable commodity. Insomnia is a serious and widespread condition in the United States and needless to say, many people are losing sleep over it. Thankfully, melatonin can help to counteract this precious loss of sleep, aka insomnia.



According to a 2011 research survey from the journal Sleep, approximately 1/3 of all adults have difficulties sleeping at night on a weekly basis. Furthermore, approximately 25 million people (about 10% of the population) suffer from chronic insomnia.


So how does insomnia affect people? Well, it has been linked with overall reduced quality of life as well as the following related conditions:


  1. Increased risk of major depressive order and/or social anxiety disorder
  2. Obesity
  3. Hypertension and cardiovascular disease
  4. Impaired glucose tolerance and diabetes
  5. Alcohol abuse


In other words, insomnia is serious and sleep is important! Unless you’re Thái Ngọc, a Vietnamese insomniac who claims he hasn’t slept for over 46 years. As for the rest of us, many try to use a wide variety of supplements to help us get the sleep we need. One of the most popular and effective choices is melatonin, a hormone that our pineal gland naturally releases.


melatonin chemical structure


May Ease Symptoms of Seasonal Depression

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) affects an estimated 10% of the world’s population. SAD refers to a seasonal depression that typically sets in during the fall and winter months, right after the end of Daylight Savings Time.


SAD is closely related to your circadian rhythm. It tends to set in during months when it gets dark early. The lack of sunlight disturbs the natural sleep-wake cycle and disrupts melatonin production in the pineal gland. Fortunately, research indicates that, by regulating sleep cycles, melatonin can ease the symptoms of SAD.



What is CBD Oil?

Cannabidiol oil (CBD oil) is an extract of the cannabis plant with a number of wellness benefits. It is a type of cannabinoid, a group of compounds that interact with cannabinoid receptors spread throughout our body. These receptors are all part of an important control and regulatory system known as the endocannabinoid system (ECS).


So why is the ECS important? Well, as the researcher Vincenzo Di Marzo stated, the ECS primary functions are: “relax, eat, sleep, forget, and protect.” In other words, the ECS keeps our bodies balanced and our natural rhythms functioning properly by regulating:


  1. Sleep-wake cycles and circadian rhythms
  2. Pain and inflammation
  3. Reward and motivation
  4. Digestion and metabolism
  5. Appetite
  6. Immune system
  7. Memory and mental clarity
  8. Body temperature
  9. Mood


As you can see, a healthy ECS is absolutely vital!


CBD and Melatonin



Why Would You Mix CBD Oil With Melatonin?

As we saw above, the ECS helps the body regulate its sleep patterns via its cannabinoid receptors. These are specifically known as CB-1 and CB-2 receptors, which are technically G protein-coupled receptors (GCPR). Now, do you remember the MT-1 and MT-2 receptors we discussed before? Well, these are also GCPRs, meaning that the similarities in the underlying structures make cannabinoid and melatonin receptors natural allies in fighting off insomnia.


Because melatonin is a hormone produced naturally in the body, using melatonin supplements to treat insomnia is formally known as melatonin replacement therapy. Research suggests that melatonin replacement therapy can:


  1. Treat insomnia
  2. Decrease wake time after sleep onset
  3. Decrease sleep latency
  4. Increase sleep efficiency
  5. Help patients quit using narcotic sleep medications (like benzodiazepines).
  6. Decrease jet lag
  7. Adjust sleep cycles in patients suffering from blindness


Now let’s turn our attention to CBD oil. Lower doses of CBD appear to have a stimulating effect while higher doses will cause sedation. An influential study in The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology took a group of insomniac patients and divided them into five groups based on daily dosages:


  1. Placebo (no medication)
  2. 5 milligrams of nitrazepam (a narcotic benzodiazepine used for insomnia)
  3. 40 mg CBD
  4. 80 mg CBD
  5. 160 mg CBD


The study concluded that all three groups taking CBD had increased total sleep time and woke up less frequently throughout the night when compared to the placebo group. Furthermore, when compared to nitrazepam, CBD did not produce any psychotropic or toxic effects.


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Can You Mix CBD Oil With Melatonin?

Yes, absolutely! CBD oil and melatonin are natural complements of each other. Not only do they work on GCPRs and have similar mechanisms of action, but together they may alleviate insomnia safely and effectively. Furthermore, unlike benzodiazepines, they do not cause:


  1. Dependence
  2. Addiction
  3. Hangovers
  4. Withdrawal symptoms
  5. Serious side effects


In other words, they work together quite nicely!


Can Melatonin & CBD Cause Side Effects?

One reason melatonin supplements and CBD oil are so popular is that neither poses serious adverse effects. They are both well-tolerated by people, and the potential side effects are quite mild compared to prescription medications that help with sleep, such as Ambien or Xanax. Let’s address the possible complications right now.


Possible Side Effects of Melatonin

Large doses of melatonin may lead to some side effects. To avoid these risks, keep your nightly dose of melatonin to 5 mg or less. If you take too much melatonin, you may experience mild side effects, including:


  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Upset stomach
  • Grogginess the next morning
  • Extra-vivid dreams


Melatonin also causes drowsiness, which is no surprise since it helps regulate sleep. To be safe, you should not drive or operate heavy machinery for 4-5 hours after taking melatonin.


Possible Side Effects Of CBD

Like with most things, you’ll want to consume everything in moderation. Even taking too much of something as harmless as CBD can potentially lead to extra drowsiness or fatigue. As long as you take the proper doses, you’re unlikely to experience any side effects. Some of these may include:


  • Dry mouth
  • Drowsiness
  • Upset stomach
  • Change in appetite


How to Mix Them Properly

As with any medicine or supplement, getting the right dosage is important. This will ensure that you get the rest you need in order to stay alert, happy, and healthy.


Melatonin Dosage

An effective starting dose for melatonin is anywhere from 0.3 to 0.5 mg, especially if you are trying to stabilize your circadian rhythm (due to jet lag, for example). Most commercially available products have 1-milligram tablets (which can be cut in half, if necessary), although many patients have to take higher doses, sometimes between 3 to 5 mg. However, once you start getting above this dosage amount, you may experience some of the side effects mentioned above.


It’s best to start with the lowest dose and work your way up. Remember, melatonin is exceptionally safe. Interestingly enough, a study performed by Cochrane, a health industry research group, indicated that dosages above 5 milligrams did not appear to be more effective than lower doses.


CBD Dosage

As for CBD oil, a fully-grown adult can start with a dose as low as 10 mg. However, don’t forget that the research indicates that lower doses may have a stimulating effect. Much like melatonin, it’s best to start low and work your way up. As a result, you can use this nifty formula to determine how much you may need to take:


  1. A regular dose – 0.25 milligrams for every 1 pound of body weight. For a 200 pound adult, that would be a 50-milligram dose.
  2. A strong dose – 0.5 milligrams for every 1 pound of body weight. For a 200 pound adult, that would be a 100-milligram dose.


You can also try adding other remedies or supplements, like chamomile (1 milligram) or valerian root (1/2 dropper of tincture). These can help strengthen the natural effects of CBD oil and melatonin.


Ultimately, you will have to just listen to your body and see how you feel after administering it. Never underestimate the importance of your wellness and sleep. Make sure you practice some self-care and keep yourself alert, happy, and healthy by treating your insomnia – your body will thank you for it!


For more information regarding CBD oil dosage check out our interactive dosage chart.

Can I Take CBD & Melatonin Every Day?

You can take CBD every day (in fact, we highly encourage it), but you should not take daily melatonin for more than a couple of months at a time. To explain the benefits and risks of daily doses, we need to talk about these compounds separately.


Taking CBD Every Day

You can take CBD every day, and in fact, you should if you want to achieve the most beneficial effects. CBD is great for short-term discomfort or sleep issues, but it is equally as effective for long-term wellness, provided you take it consistently.


Taken in the long term, CBD supports homeostasis, the optimal balance of all our body’s functions. Homeostasis goes hand-in-hand with quality sleep and supports overall wellness. To achieve these sustained benefits, we recommend at least one dose of CBD each day.


Taking Melatonin Every Day

Melatonin replacement therapy is great in the short term, but you may find it less effective the longer you take it. Generally speaking, you can take melatonin every night for up to 2 months. More research is necessary to understand how melatonin works in the long term, but many people find it becomes less effective if they take daily doses for more than 2 months at a time.



Final Thoughts — Can I Take CBD Oil With Melatonin?

CBD and melatonin make a great pair for those with sleep issues. They have far fewer side effects than sedative sleep medications like Ambien, and they are neither intoxicating nor addictive. That said, melatonin may become less effective after two months of daily therapy. The opposite is true of CBD, which offers more benefits the longer you take it!


Where can you find these remedies? Melatonin is one of the most popular supplements in the world, so you should be able to find it in any pharmacy. If you’re looking for CBD, you’ve already come to the right place! Visit the Cheef Botanicals shop today to stock up on CBD oil, gummies, hemp flower, and more.


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