Cheef Botanicals

Using CBD Oil For Nausea Stops Vomiting

CBD oil for Nausea

Nausea is the distinctly unpleasant sensation when a person feels the need to vomit. It is not a specific ailment itself and is usually an indication of an underlying medical condition. It is a common symptom and can sometimes lead to actual vomiting. The body uses the processes of nausea and vomiting to expel potentially harmful substances. However, nausea can frequently be persistent itself and simply remain as the continuous need to vomit without the body actually doing so.


The severity of a case of Nausea can range from a mild annoyance to a debilitating condition. Though there are traditional medications to combat nausea, known as antiemetics, these frequently have extensive and undesirable side effects.  For some patients, the side effects of an antiemetic are just as bad as nausea itself. Using Cannabidiol, or CBD oil for Nausea has been shown to be a viable alternative to traditional medications. It is safe and natural as well as being gentler on the body and having fewer side effects.



What Is CBD Oil?

CBD is a natural compound derived from industrial cannabis, often known as hemp. While the cannabis plant also produces tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is more widely recognized, CBD is gaining popularity as a medicinal option because it lacks the psychoactive effects of THC. This means CBD doesn’t induce a high, allowing individuals to use it without disrupting their normal activities and daily life.


CBD’s fundamental form is CBD oil. This oil is produced from the leaves, CBD flower, and stalks of the cannabis plant. CBD oil is different than hemp oil, which is a byproduct of the compression of cannabis seeds. Furthermore, CBD belongs to a class of chemicals known as cannabinoids. These chemicals are also found in the human body where they make up a communication and control system known as the endocannabinoid system (ECS).


The ECS regulates various crucial functions in the human body. It is also responsible for regulating the intensity and expression of nausea. There are two primary types of receptors in the ECS, the CB1 and CB2 receptors. These are located both within the brain as well as all over the human body. CBD binds to both CB1 and CB2 receptors, though it does so in slightly different ways. In the simplest terms, CBD primarily blocks the CB1 receptors while largely stimulating the CB2 receptors. It also acts as an outside supplement to naturally-occurring cannabinoids in the human body to keep the ECS in balance and in a state of homeostasis.


woman feeling ill



How Does CBD Oil Work For Nausea?

There is a special area in the brain that is directly responsible for controlling nausea and vomiting. It is known as the area postrema of the dorsal vagal complex (DVC). CB1 receptors have been found in high concentrations in the DVC. Furthermore, the ECS connects these CB1 receptors in the brain to CB2 receptors in the gut and intestinal tract. Essentially, that means that the ECS is crucially involved in both the expression of nausea in the brain and the action of vomiting in the intestinal tract.


CBD binds to the CB1 receptors in the DVC and blocks their activity. This means that CB1 receptors in the DVC will not send signals to the wider ECS, including CB2 receptors in the gut, to continue the sensation of nausea. If the DVC sends a continuous signal of nausea to the rest of the body, it will eventually trigger vomiting. CBD effectively stops this process by directly targeting the DVC area of the brain.


It should be noted that all cannabinoids, including THC, are highly reactive with CB1 receptors. That means that both THC and CBD combat nausea in the DVC region of the brain. However, CBD is the preferred remedy of the two as it is not psychoactive like THC. This means it will not cause distortions in perception or reality and will allow patients who use it to go about their daily lives without having to worry about intoxication.


Furthermore, using CBD oil for Nausea has been shown to be a gentler and just as effective of an antiemetic than some traditional medications. There are many antiemetics that are used to treat nausea from a wide variety of underlying medical conditions. The side effects of these traditional antiemetics are extensive and may include:


  • Discoloration of the tongue
  • Dark brown or even black bowel movements
  • Drowsiness and fatigue
  • Dry mouth and extreme thirst
  • Constipation
  • Muscle spasms or tremors
  • Tinnitus
  • Anxiety or restlessness
  • Heartburn
  • Increased appetite


As opposed to traditional medications, CBD does not exhibit these problematic side effects. It is a safe and natural remedy that can be used in high or low doses, depending on the severity of the condition. Furthermore, it is effective in treating the various types of nausea, from motion sickness to the side effects of chemotherapy.



How Much CBD Should You Take For Nausea?

Determining the correct dosage is a gradual process that will vary from patient to patient. Because taking CBD oil for Nausea is so safe, there is a wide margin of dosages to work from. It is not possible to overdose from CBD, and at higher doses, it will simply make the patient feel tired. This makes it an effective treatment for insomnia. Furthermore, CBD oil will not impair a person’s ability to function as it is not psychoactive like THC. This means that higher dosages can be used without intoxication or an inability to function. CBD should be taken with the overall guidance of a health care practitioner. However, it is an overwhelmingly safe supplement with a far range of applications.


man holding stomach nausea


The first step in determining how much CBD to take is to consider who the patient is. For a full-grown adult the dosage will be higher than a child or someone who is small in stature or build. Furthermore, the intensity of nausea will also determine how much CBD oil should be taken. If the nausea is mild, then a small starting dose should suffice. If the nausea is intense, or accompanied by vomiting, then a larger dose will be required. Finally, the body will develop some level of tolerance to CBD, so a patient who is using it for the first time will need a lower dose than someone who uses it regularly.


A good starting dose would be approximately 15 milligrams for a full-grown adView this page Cheefbotanicalsult using CBD for the first time. If the nausea does not subside quickly, then it is absolutely safe to continue dosing until the desired effects are achieved. This can be done in 10 milligram increments. Once the patient has determined the correct dosage to combat their nausea, then CBD usually has to be taken once or twice daily for best results. It is particularly important to use CBD products that have clearly marked milligram dosages on their packaging. This will allow the patient to accurately determine what their proper dosage is based on their size, age, and particular health condition that needs treatment.



How Long Does CBD Take To Work?

CBD is most frequently consumed orally when taking CBD oil for Nausea.  This means it can be ingested and broken down in the stomach or dropped under the tongue in a tincture form. In either case, it is very quickly metabolized by the body. Relief should occur within 10-15 minutes of taking the CBD oil for Nausea if it is in its tincture form. If taken in the form of edibles or capsules, it will take approximately 20-30 minutes to work. If the symptoms have not subsided within those timeframes, then it is safe to try a higher dose.


The speed by which CBD works is particularly noticeable when it is in a tincture form. The tincture is more quickly metabolized than the capsules or edibles. It is sold in a bottle with a dropper that dispenses the oil in a controlled amount per drop. It is important to buy the CBD tincture from a legitimate company that has standardized milligram dosages on their products. This will allow the patient to develop a daily regimen and a controlled amount of CBD oil per day.


Related Product: CBD Capsules Deals

The Best Ways To Take CBD Oil For Nausea

Nausea can make it impossible to swallow anything, even something as small as a capsule. Furthermore, if the nausea is accompanied by vomiting and a sour stomach, then the act of metabolizing anything in the gut may become impossible. In cases of nausea or vomiting, it is generally best when taking CBD oil for Nausea, to take it in the tincture form.


When used as a tincture, the wellness patient can simply take the dropper and squirt the CBD oil directly under the tongue. The mucous membranes in the mouth will easily absorb the oil and it will quickly enter the bloodstream where it can start to work on combating the nausea. Furthermore, using the CBD tincture in a dropper will increase the speed by which it is metabolized. It will work roughly twice as fast as ingesting it in the form of CBD capsules or edibles. View this page Cheef Botanicals.


Below is a compiled list of scientific research and studies on Cannabidiol (CBD) and it’s potential use for treating Nausea.


  • Cannabidiol, a non-psychotropic component of cannabis, attenuates vomiting and nausea-like behaviour via indirect agonism of 5-HT1A somatodendritic autoreceptors in the dorsal raphe nucleus
  • Preliminary efficacy and safety of an oromucosal standardized cannabis extract in chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting
  • Effect of combined oral doses of Δ(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiolic acid (CBDA) on acute and anticipatory nausea in rat models.
  • Regulation of nausea and vomiting by cannabinoids
  • Interaction between non-psychotropic cannabinoids in marihuana: effect of cannabigerol (CBG) on the anti-nausea or anti-emetic effects of cannabidiol (CBD) in rats and shrews
  • Cannabidiolic acid prevents vomiting in Suncus murinus and nausea-induced behaviour in rats by enhancing 5-HT1A receptor activation
  • Regulation of nausea and vomiting by cannabinoids and the endocannabinoid system




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