Cheef Botanicals

Home Remedies for Burning Feet: 12 Easy Ways to Soothe Your Feet

home remedies for burning feet

So you’re getting ready for bed, and you notice a hot, tingly sensation in your feet. You write it off as soreness and the fact that you’ve been on your feet all day. But the burning sensation comes back the next day, and you realize you don’t know any home remedies for burning feet.


If burning feet is a constant problem for you, it may be rooted in an underlying medical condition. It’s important to consult your doctor if your feet keep you up at night to find much-needed relief before it gets worse. Fortunately, there are many simple home remedies that can help alleviate the pain!



Is it Normal for Feet to Burn?

No, burning feet are not considered normal! While temporary burning sensations can occur due to fatigue or infections, they are not something to ignore. It’s important to address any burning feeling in the feet promptly to prevent the condition from worsening. It’s worth noting that burning feet are relatively common, particularly among older adults, and are often referred to as burning feet syndrome (BFS).



What Causes Burning Feet?

Burning feet syndrome (BFS) is typically caused by peripheral neuropathy, also known as nerve damage. This nerve damage is often the result of other underlying medical conditions.


Some common causes of BFS are:


  • Diabetes: High blood sugar can damage the blood vessels and nerves in your feet, which results in diabetic neuropathy and BFS.
  • Small fiber sensory neuropathy (SFSN): SFSN is when the small sensory fibers in the nervous system are damaged. SFSN typically starts affecting the senses in the feet and works its way upwards.
  • Heavy alcohol use: Drinking in excess can cause alcoholic neuropathy, which damages nerves in your body – including in your feet.
  • Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT): CMT is another nerve damage disorder that results in loss of sensation, weakened muscles, and deformities. CMT damages your peripheral nerves, and symptoms typically start in the feet and lower legs.
  • Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS): CRPS is a form of pain that usually develops after an injury, stroke, heart attack, or surgery. The pain can sometimes be excessive and affect the extremities, like the arms or legs.
  • Tarsal tunnel syndrome: This is similar to carpal tunnel syndrome but at the ankle instead of the wrist. Tarsal tunnel occurs because of compression and damage to the nerves inside the ankle.
  • Hypothyroidism: If the body doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormones, it can lead to a hormonal imbalance that causes swelling and puts pressure on your nerves.
  • Malnutrition: A lack of vitamin B can cause BFS and muscle problems.
  • Infections: Various infections such as athlete’s foot, Lyme disease, HIV, syphilis, or shingles can cause your feet to burn or itch.
  • Kidney disease: If your kidneys are not functioning properly, this causes toxins to build up in your blood, leading to swollen and itchy feet.
  • Chemotherapy: The chemicals used in chemotherapy can result in some nerve damage. If you are undergoing chemotherapy treatment, BFS may be one of the side effects.


soft feet


What is the Most Common Cause for Burning Feet?

Although many medical conditions can lead to BFS, diabetes is the most common cause of burning feet. If your BFS is a common occurrence, it may be a good idea to see a medical professional for further treatment and diagnosis. Early detection of diabetes is important to properly manage it and prevent more serious complications.


Why Do My Feet Get Hot at Night? 

Burning feet typically occurs at night, which is an inconvenience because it can cause you to lose sleep. When your body is trying to rest, your feet are very much awake (and in pain).


People affected by BFS experience a hot burning sensation insoles of the feet, but it can also occur in the ankles and lower legs. Other symptoms include a tingling or “pins-and-needles” feeling and sweating. The most common cause is some type of nerve damage (peripheral neuropathy) as a result of preexisting medical conditions.



Home Remedies for Burning Feet

Rather than waiting until morning to get a break from your hot, itchy feet, try some of these home remedies for temporary relief from BFS:


Cold Water Bath

Run some cold water, add some ice if you want, and dunk your burning feet in. Cold water is a quick and easy way to get some temporary relief from those annoying symptoms. Just don’t soak your feet for too long, or else your feet might go numb!


Cooling Your Feet

If you’re unsure about the specific cause of your hot feet, simply cooling them down is a good place to start. Here are a few cooling techniques you can try:


  • Sleep with your feet outside of the bed covers
  • Point a fan at your feet
  • Put a pair of socks in your fridge or freezer and put them on before bed



This acronym stands for “Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation.” RICE is a technique you can use to treat sprained ankles, but you can also try it to reduce the swelling brought on by BFS. RICE means resting your feet in an elevated position, applying ice, and wrapping your feet with a compression sleeve or support.


Epsom Salt

Epsom salt has high magnesium content, and when used in a foot bath, it has many benefits, including:


  • Helps soothe muscles
  • Release stress
  • Reduce pain and irritation
  • Exfoliate skin
  • Apple Cider Vinegar


Apple cider vinegar is a traditional home remedy to help soothe pain and reduce the discomfort of burning feet. It also fights the bacteria and fungi from Athlete’s foot. All you need to do is make a foot bath by pouring a cup of apple cider vinegar in a bucket of warm water and soaking your feet in it.


Turmeric Supplements

Turmeric has a compound called curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties. Curcumin may be able to manage damaged nerves and the pain associated with burning feet. Studies have also shown its effectiveness as a treatment for several skin conditions.


Fish Oil Supplements

Fish oil is especially effective if you have BFS because it has strong anti-inflammatory properties that can help combat burning feet. A 2018 study showed promising results on how fish oil can treat diabetic neuropathy. Best of all, you can easily purchase fish oil supplements at most drug and grocery stores!



Ginger oil or extract is another effective and natural way to treat the symptoms of BFS. It has anti-inflammatory properties and has been traditionally used to treat pain and nerve damage. Ginger oil is readily available and can be massaged directly into your burning feet for some much-needed relief.


Foot Massage

A good ol’ fashioned foot massage may be just what your ailing feet need. Foot massages increase blood flow and improve circulation in all areas of your foot. A boost in blood circulation can help reduce the burning and alleviate aches and pains, therefore improving the general health of your feet.


Topical Creams

Topical creams can help numb the skin and give natural discomfort relief. You can find many relieving foot creams available at drug stores!


Pain Relief Medicine

If your BFS is a mild burning sensation, then over-the-counter pain relief medicine is an easy way to manage the pain. Just head to your local drug store (or reach in your medicine cabinet) and pick up some acetaminophen, aspirin, or ibuprofen.



Getting enough vitamins might be the key to treating your BFS. Burning feet can sometimes be caused by malnutrition or nutritional deficiencies. If this is the case, taking vitamin B or an iron supplement may be what you need. These vitamins should be available at any drug store.


bath for foot pain


The Best CBD Topicals for Burning Feet

CBD topical creams are great home remedies for burning feet because they can provide soothing and relaxing effects. CBD, or cannabidiol, is an amazing compound extracted from hemp that can support your body by soothing irritated skin and reducing discomfort. The best CBD topicals are made with all-natural, organic ingredients to potentially help manage your burning feet.


When you apply CBD lotions or salves, the CBD can penetrate deep into the skin and muscle tissues to provide instant relief. Many people love using CBD topicals to target affected, irritated areas. Since CBD is extracted from hemp, there are very low levels of THC (up to 0.3%), which is nowhere near enough to give you that “high” or intoxicated feeling! Check out some of our favorite topicals to use!


CBD Salve

CBD salves are made with all-natural ingredients, making them the perfect home remedy. It’s made from natural oils, candelilla wax, and CBD oil, making it one of the best products to provide relief from BFS.


CBD salves are made with high concentrations of CBD to provide strong, targeted relief for affected areas. If BFS leaves you with intense, itchy, red skin, use a CBD salve for quick, fast-acting relief. In addition, our CBD salves at Cheef Botanicals are made with olive oil and coconut oil to provide plenty of moisturization and protection for your skin! Simply rub the salve directly onto the red or tender areas of your feet or legs, and you’ll start to feel the wash of relief within seconds!


CBD Body Lotion

Another great topical option is CBD body lotion! CBD lotion is very similar to the salve but is typically used for more generalized or full-body relief. The CBD concentrations are much lower so that you can apply them to your whole body for complete relaxation. If you need something that can handle the irritation, swelling, and discomfort of BFS, you can try CBD body lotion!


Our CBD lotion at Cheef Botanicals has fantastic moisturizing properties. It’s made with aloe vera, shea butter, and coconut oil to keep your skin soothed and looking healthy!



When to Seek Help for Burning Feet 

How do you know if what you’re experiencing is a temporary ailment or something more serious? As a rule of thumb, if the burning sensation doesn’t go away after a few weeks, it may be time to see a medical professional.


Additionally, if the pain and irritation worsen and spread to your legs, it’s time to seek help. In this situation, it’s better to be more safe than sorry because BFS can sometimes indicate more serious medical issues like diabetes.


If you develop BFS right after a wound becomes infected, you should immediately consult a doctor for more information. In some cases, you’ll need to go to the emergency room because it can signal serious nerve damage.



Final Thoughts – Home Remedies for Burning Feet

Burning Feet Syndrome (BFS) is a relatively common issue that you might have to deal with some time in your life. It’s never pleasant to have hot, irritable feet that keep you up at night. It’s in those situations that you should have some quick home remedies prepared to address the problem before it gets worse.


Of course, home remedies are only meant to provide quick and easy relief. You should seek professional help for any lingering or persisting issues!


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